Homeless Assistance Services

KHDS is the largest provider of homeless programs in Kenosha. We believe the key to success is meeting people where they are, and KHDS offers a wide range of services to address immediate homelessness needs, and then build on that to further improve the foundation. If you, or someone you know is facing homelessness, please call our office at 262-764-8555 and ask to speak to Homeless Assistance Services.

In 2023, nearly two thirds of participants exited the program to permanent housing. In the outreach programs, this number was nearly 3/4 of participants!

In 2023, nearly half of all participants exited the program with increased income

In 2023, we served 68 households in our 7 homeless programs

Our Homeless Programs

Individuals and families experiencing homelessness may find housing and connect to community resources through the Coordinated Entry System. With funding through the Wisconsin Balance of State Continuum of Care, KHDS acts as the lead for Kenosha to ensure as a community we are prioritizing assistance based on vulnerability and severity of service needs. Coordinated Entry Providers include KHDS, Grace Welcome Center, iCare, Oakwood Clinic, the Shalom Center, the Sharing Center, and Women and Children’s Horizons.

In 2023, 313 single individuals and 175 families were assessed through our Coordinated Entry System.

Emergency Motel Voucher Assistance (EMVA) is available in Kenosha County to provide an immediate response to people in the community experiencing literal homelessness (living on the streets, in a vehicle, tent, campground, bench or other place not meant for human habitation) when an Emergency Shelter bed is not available or there is an extenuating circumstance that prevents someone from entering shelter. With funding through Kenosha County SHARES this program first works to prevent entry in the homeless service delivery system by helping people to identify alternative housing options and community resources. When no other safe housing options are available, this program assesses and refers eligible persons to homeless/housing program eligibility and needed community resources.The program is available M-F from 8:00am-5:00pm.

In 2023, the EMVA program provided services to 224 people. Of those 224 people, 149 were adults without children, and 75 were persons in families with 31 adults and 44 children.

The PATH Program provides street outreach and case management to people who are experiencing homelessness and are living with serious mental illnesses, including co-occurring substance abuse disorders with connecting to mental health services, shelter, and stable housing. Through outreach and case management services the program:

  • Provided outreach to services 135 people
  • Enrolled 80 people into PATH case management services
  • Assisted 69 people to connect to Community Mental Health Services
  • Assisted 13 people to connect to substance use treatment
  • Connected 26 people to housing services
  • Exited 42 people to positive permanent housing destinations

Though funding from the Family and Youth Services Bureau, the RHY Street Outreach program works to build relationships with runaway and youth experiencing homelessness and living on the streets. Supportive Services provided by this program aim to move youth into stable housing and prepare them for independence. The program serves people aged 22 and younger.

In 2023, the RHY Street Outreach Program provided services to 71 youth and young adults that included 49 persons over 18 and 22 youth under 18 years old.

HUD considers rapid rehousing critical to a community’s homeless response plan and is designed to help people exit homelessness as quickly as possible. Helping people find stable, affordable housing options in scattered site units in the community and offering individual supportive services is the key to success.

In 2023, with funding through the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the United Way of Kenosha and the Department of Energy, Housing and Community Resources, KHDS operated four Rapid Rehousing programs. The programs served a total of 80 people that included 60 single adults, 13 families and 20 children.

Working on mental health or substance abuse recovery is difficult enough without having to worry about finding shelter every night. Chronic homelessness not only affects an individual living with a disability but impacts the community. Kenosha Permanent Housing Connections is a program funded by a HUD Continuum of Care grant that allows KHDS to lease 25 units at any point in time for single individuals who are experiencing chronic homelessness for a variety of reasons.

In 2023, the program served 36 single individuals.

Success Story

John Smith overcame post-incarceration homelessness with the MyHOME Rapid Rehousing Program, gaining skills and stability to independently sustain his housing and future.

Smiling person on top of hill in plaid shirt. Photo by Photo by Doctor Mako
Stock Photo By Unsplash.com
House with a yellow door. Photo by Garrett Sears
Stock Photo By Unsplash.com

Success Story

Matt and Grace, once living in their car and expecting a child, found refuge and a fresh start through Project YELLOW Door, securing a home and building a stable, thriving family.

Leadership Team


Program Manager


Division Director


Associate Director