Impact Story
Don’s Mental Health Journey
Don went from battling severe mental health issues and homelessness to achieving stability and a ‘10’ in life satisfaction.
(Names are fictional to maintain confidentiality)
Don is a man in his 30’s who has been experiencing chronic mental health symptoms. While he was living with his roommate, his medication regiment was irregular. Feeling unsafe and unhappy, Don had gone through dangerous situations. He broke his arm from running away from his “voices.” He vomited almost everyday because “the voices” were telling him to. Don was not able to work on his goals in our Community Support Program (CSP) due to his severe symptoms. Don was admitted to KARE Center 12 times in one year before moving to his current place due to his feeling of unsafeness and not being able to control/deal with his mental health symptoms. He consistently rated his overall life satisfaction level a “0.”
With help from the CSP and collaboration with his family members, Don became motivated to work on his goals, which were to improve his mental health condition and to move into his own apartment in a safer neighborhood. With these goals in his mind, Don diligently worked with his case management programs. Although he did not like the idea of living at a CBRF, Don knew he must have a step-at-a-time attitude to live a happier life. He has been living at CBRF for several months. Since then, not only he has become consistent in taking his medications, but he was also able to learn new community skills like cooking and interacting with his peers in a positive way.
His mental health symptoms have significantly improved, and he is “confident in dealing with his mental health symptoms more effective and healthier way.” Don rates his current overall life satisfaction a “10.” The CBRF staff now believes Don could be more independent as he has proven to work on his issues and goals. Don will be moving into a supported apartment in the next couple of months!