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Impact Story

Rick's Road To Overcoming Addiction And Mental Health Challenges

Rick transformed his life from the depths of mental illness and addiction to better health and stability.

(Names are fictional to maintain confidentiality)

Rick was admitted into the Community Support Program in October 2017. In addition to struggling with mental illness, Rick was using illegal drugs for self-medicating to help him to manage his mental health symptoms, such as paranoid and hallucinations. He was overwhelmed and lacked motivation, which led to him being hospitalized at Winnebago Mental Health Center.

During this time, Rick was struggling with his weight, and it was very difficult for him to move. Also, Rick lives with his mother, and she told him he needs additional help, otherwise, he could not longer stay with her. That was a wake-up call that Rick needed. With the help with the Community Support Program/Kenosha Human Development Services, Rick eventually was able to continue living with his mother, he became his own payee in October 2021, and engage in medication management, attend groups at the Community Support Program. In August 2021, Rick’s dog passed away and he started using alcohol. His mother told him he needed to get help with his alcohol usage, otherwise, he would have to move out. With the help of his Community Support Program Case Manager, he was able to get connected with an AODA therapist in Kenosha, WI.

Since then, Rick has been going to his AODA therapy sessions for 18 months. In addition, Rick has been able to lose over seventy pounds. Rick attends the YMCA and goes for walks and watches what he eats. Though his journey continues, he has shown with recovery services, motivation, hard work and going the extra miles, people with severe and persistent mental illness can thrive!!!!